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Laurelton Plumbing and Heating

Laurelton Plumbing and Heating revenue comes from sales and other fees and services.
We administer the licensing and registration system for plumbers, and promote and enforce plumbing standards across US.
We work proactively to promote plumbing practices that protect the health and safety of the community and the integrity of water supply and wastewater systems. By monitoring the performance of plumbers, we also contribute to the protection of water and gas supply, wastewater, heating and cooling systems, and roofing.

We achieve this through the following objectives:

  • Promote, monitor and maintain expertise and competencies among industry professionals
  • Work with the community to address concerns and resolve complaints about work carried out by plumbers
  • Monitor and enforce compliance with technical standards of plumbing work
  • Promote plumbing practices that protect the environment, the health and safety of consumers, and the integrity of water supply, waste water, gas, and heating and cooling systems
  • Actively promote and support a consistent and effective regulatory environment throughout US.
  • Regularly consult and liaise with the plumbing industry to achieve transparency in reform processes and the promotion of innovative and effective plumbing solutions.

Laurelton Plumbing and Heating is an established company that offers quality plumbing and Heating services for homes and businesses across metropolitan US. Laurelton Plumbing and Heating are the "professionals around the corner" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all your plumbing requirements. You can trust Laurelton Plumbing and Heating to get it right!
